West Kirby Dry Cleaning introduce Eco-Friendly Wet Cleaning to the WirralWest Kirby Dry Cleaning introduce Eco-Friendly Wet Cleaning to the Wirral
As a well-established, successful dry cleaning business, with over 30 years in the industry, West Kirby Dry Cleaning were keen to move with the times and become more eco-friendly.
Owner, Graham Morris, whose father was a dry cleaning engineer, was keen to follow in his father’s footsteps and own his own shop.
Graham’s relationship with Wavepoint Group dates back many years, having purchased a dry cleaning machine and number of items of PONY finishing equipment in that time, which led to a very good ongoing relationship.
The time came for Graham to replace his dry cleaning machine; it was very old, not performing to its potential and components of the machine started to fail.
After reading about wet cleaning in the press, Graham was intrigued and engaged Wavepoint Group for a discussion.
“It turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks!”
Graham Morris, Owner of West Kirby Dry Cleaning
Initially very sceptical about the cleaning quality and possibility of shrinkage, which Graham had heard was associated with wet cleaning, he and his team were invited by Wavepoint Group’s Business Development Director, Andy Lambert, for a demo of the wet cleaning system in their London showroom.
Graham brought along a variety of garments, including an expensive designer dress with tough stains on that their dry cleaning machine had been unable to get out, to really put the system to the test.
After just one cycle, the team were completely blown away by the quality and cleaning results.
Fact: There is less spotting required with wet cleaning and the garments are easy to press. Laundry items, including leathers and delicates, can be processed together in one system, meaning wet cleaning can actually process more than dry cleaning machines, at lower operational costs, as the need for a split solvent-based and laundry system is removed.
With growing concerns around the harmful chemicals still used in dry cleaning in the UK, like perc, which many countries have banned due to health risks and environmental concerns, West Kirby Dry Cleaning quickly saw the benefits of switching to a safer, more energy-efficient wet cleaning solution.
Graham felt reassured that shrinkage is in fact caused by the rough agitation during a wash cycle, not the wet cleaning process itself – something that the Lagoon Advanced Care system, a machine designed specifically for wet cleaning and not just a program-adapted washing machine and tumble dryer, removes from the equation.
He was also delighted to discover that the sustainable Lagoon Advanced Care wet cleaning machines are far easier to use than dry cleaning machines; there is no raking or pumping out of distillation units, no issues with chemical leaks, smells in the shop or arranging for your distillation sludge to be taken away.

Taking all of this into consideration, in December 2021, Wavepoint Group replaced West Kirby Dry Cleaning’s ageing perc machine with:
1 x Electrolux Lagoon Advanced Care WH6-20 Washer
The Electrolux WH6-20 LAC, in particular, is designed for the lowest possible water, energy and detergent consumption and boasts great savings on money and time.
The innovative Lagoon Advanced Care wet cleaning process, coupled with the detergents used, virtually eliminates the chance of shrinkage, making the risk of damage actually lower than solvent-based dry cleaning machines, but without the use of toxic chemicals.
The WH6-20 can process up to 50 items per hour and uses less water and energy than a standard dry cleaning machine. The increased profits and benefits are clear, as Wavepoint Group customers found that it is 21% cheaper to run a Lagoon Advanced Care cycle, compared to an equivalent sized dry cleaning machine.
Electrolux Professional incorporates the ProV’tex function that allows an effective and delicate mechanical action. With no risk of friction between fibres, the loading factor is increased by 50% compared to those washing machines that have been adapted to attempt to wet clean.
The Lagoon Advanced Care washer is quick and easy to use, and by setting up the Integrated Savings system, in conjunction with automatic dosing, which adjusts the quantities of detergent, water and energy used according to the program and weight of the load, operators can also save time, money and increase productivity.
1 x Electrolux Lagoon Advanced Care TD6-20 Tumble Dryer
Electrolux Professional’s efficient TD6-20 LAC saves energy due to the ‘moisture balance’ feature which stops the drying process at the right time, along with the game-changing reversing drum which shortens the drying time and reduces costs.
It’s fitted with an Adaptive Fan control which adjusts the fan speed automatically to save energy, reduce drying time, and provide an even drying result.
Electrolux Professional’s human-centred approach has meant their cutting-edge washers and dryers have received a maximum 4-star rating for ergonomics. Operators were proven to feel less tension and strain whilst using the machines, making their job easier and increasing productivity.
1 x PONY Cosmos-E Rotary Cabinet
PONY’s Cosmos-E adjusts the finishing cycles and recycles warm air for rapid cabinet heating, reducing running time and costs, whilst maintaining excellent finishing quality for garments.
2 x PONY Genus Finishing Tables
Genus’ electrically-heated finishing tables come with new technology to reduce energy consumption, whilst offering all the features a professional textile care expert needs – vacuum, steam and hot air blow from the table surface, along with a J2 Steam Electric Iron that can be adjusted both for temperature and steam delivery volume.
By introducing the latest machines, packed full of innovative features, West Kirby Dry Cleaning were able to become more sustainable, reduce their energy consumption and save money.
Two months on, Graham is absolutely delighted with the outcome.
“The stain removal is unbelievable, far better than what a dry cleaning machine could do. It’s amazing at cleaning wool coats in particular. Plus, we are able to use the machine to clean laundry, Ugg Boots, leathers, wedding dresses and a whole lot more, unlike our old solvent-based dry cleaning machine which wasn’t as simple to do.”
The compact dryer has revolutionised the way West Kirby Dry Cleaning work. “Only having a small shop floor area to work with, we can now process more loads and take on more work” says Graham.
By adopting the latest machines, West Kirby Dry Cleaning have achieved their aim of becoming more eco-friendly, as well as helping them attract new environmentally-conscious customers.
“Quite simply, the Lagoon Advanced Care system has surpassed my expectations. It’s been cleaning far more than I expected it to, very surprised by its ability to seamlessly switch to laundry, which is an absolute bonus.”
“Fabrics look better, even the darker colours look brighter, and obviously the smell is far better than dry cleaned fabric. Customers have been made up with the brighter look and fresher smell.”
“Other major bonuses are vastly reduced spotting times, far easier user experience and very little maintenance.”
“And just to finish, after the first week of using Lagoon, I asked my team (Tara and Nikki), who do the majority of the pressing, “would you go back to dry cleaning?” Both, without hesitation, said no!”
“I don’t understand why any dry cleaner would remain with solvent-based dry cleaning – make the switch to wet cleaning. If this old dog can be taught new tricks, then you can too!”
Graham Morris, Owner
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